Zentralverband Spedition & Logistik
Decarbonization of freight transport
AMA Marketing
various infographics around nutrition and livestock farming
APG Austrian Power Grid
company PPT slides & master / electricity consumption, monthly update until June 2022
Österr. Koordinationsstelle f. Energiegemeinschaften
energy and investment requirements, energy communities and grid levels
EZN - Energiezukunft Niederösterreich
energy communities locator map
CARE Österreich
WAYREP Project - graphics for print, web, presentation & social media
B3C - Bridge Building Business
Project "Economic Bridges", social media content
Biofuels and Climate goals 2030
Wien Energie / OMV
deeep geothermal energy joint venture
Wien Energie - Großwärmepumpen
large heat pumps at ebswien and Spittelau
Wien Energie - Fernkältenetz Wien
distance cooling network of Vienna
Wien Energie - Grünes Kraftwerk
Green power plant, energy system of the future
Wien Energie - Geothermie
Geothermal energy - Hot water supply underneath Vienna
Wien Energie / ARE
Project "VILLAGE IM DRITTEN" - Anergy Network
Wien Energie - Viertel Zwei
Pilot Project "Urban Pioneers Community"
Wien Energie - Energieerzeugung, Abfallbehandlung
Energy production, waste management
Wien Energie - 70 Jahre Wiener Stadtwerke
Facts & figures
Wien Energie Erlebniswelt
Experience world
Wiener Netze - Energieversorgung
Power supply
Wiener Netze - Campus, Leistungen
Campus & services
UIV / Stadt Wien
Project "Digital Twin Vienna", Key Visual & Use Case Visuals
FH Burgenland Energetikum
University of applied Science Burgenland - Living Lab
TU Wien
Hagleitner Hygenie Intern. GmbH
Recycling innovation / occupational skin diseases
Salzburg AG
Topography of the Lungau/Muhr power plants | CableLink - Internet, TV, Telephone
TU Graz
Roadmap to climate-neutral TU Graz - infographics
Österreichischer Walddialog
Federal Ministry of agriculture, regions and water management
UIV Urban Innovation Vienna
Smart City Vienna - Graphics for PPT
Austrian Institute of Technology, Project defalsif-ai - security research
coloring picture, troubleshooting image & labyrinth for kids
Stadt Wien
Traffic planning, expansion - Northeast bypass, City street, Regional ring
Arbeiterkammer NÖ
Initiative " 3V für Österreichs Zukunft"
Innsbruck Tourismus
Annual report 2020
ÖVGW - Österr. Vereinigung für das Gas- und Wasserfach
Water supply in Austria
Brenner Basistunnel
Construction progress
Tierenergetik "Pfotenplausch"
Animal energetics - folder, business cards & more
Ottakringer Brauerei
Event Locations,
Enkidus Braustube GmbH
Various advertising media for Enkidus Brewery - Logo design by Designtiger
Zwettler Bier - Hopfenanbau
Hops cultivation
KFV - Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit
Safety on the road, at home and at leisure
Wiener Stadthalle
Orientation plans
FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds.
Facts to scientific research in Austria
Illustrations & Sketches